F4 Impacting Families in the Corporate World
Financial Freedom for families recently graduated the staff of Chancery Wright Insurance Company in acknowledgement of their devotion and commitment to CMS-Africa’s stewardship training programme.
“I recall vividly topic number one that we covered on ‘everything belongs to God. I have learnt that I’ am only but a steward and all that I have, God has entrusted me to take care of but it is indeed his,” says Michael one of those who graduated on that day.
Michael adds “I for the very first time in my life realised that I could relate money with the Bible because the entire F4 course is based on the Bible
The Head of Finance, Shadrack Mureu in his speech at the graduation ceremony reported that from the F4 review undertaken after the training, the team at chancery has greatly improved on debt management.
Shadrack, said that his staff had become more disciplined reported having observed a reduction in requests for salary advances requests as many staff chose to increase their savings. This was directly attributable to the teaching on financial stewardship delivered by F4. He encouraged his team to be doers of the word and not just hearers deceiving yourself- James 1:21. He restated his favorite quote from the F4 classes that: “When you take a loan and the money you receive at the end month is less than the money that you are using to repay the loan, then you have eaten your future.
CMS-Africa’s International Director Rev. Dennis Tongoi challenged the graduates to invest for the future. ‘As a young person, you should put more in investment; little by little to create wealth for the future. F4 has given you the education and skills to help you see money as your servant and not your master,” said Dennis.
Rev. Tongoi read from 2nd Samuel 17:23 "now when Ahithophel saw that his advice was not followed, he saddled a donkey, and arose and went home to his house, to his city.
Then he put his household in order, and hanged himself, and died; and he was buried in his father’s tomb."
Rev. Tongoi said that the most important thing in life is to put your house in order. “It takes discipline to do this and one has to start early in life so that you can have it easy in days to come,” emphasized Rev. Tongoi.
Henry Mwaniki on his part reminded the granduants that each and everyone’s goal towards financial freedom should be to become a master and not a slaves of money. “To be better stewards, we should go round our financial homes and close the taps. All the things where our money leaks we should close and become more deliberate about our spending. We should not eat the fruit but live off the fruits,’ he concluded.
Stella Kendi one of the graduates who emerged among the best from the class, due to her fulfilment of the course requirements testifies of having started her own business after months of saving little by little. ‘My best topic was on investment and I have been able to invest after savings,” observes Stella.
“She narrated the principles of stewardship which includes work, rest, wealth creation, investment, debt, relationships, personal financial planning among others. “I learnt a lot about relationships with others so that you can generate wealth,” says Stella
Yet another best performer from the class Robert Mugo, the accountant testified of having learnt a lot. “I have also been able to save up to 3 months of my salary. My projection is that in the next five years I should be financially free and not constrained,” says Mugo.
The accountant said that he has been able to put to practice what he learnt in the F4 course. “I have drawn a budget that I follow strictly. On investment, I have laid down an investment plan which by faith and prayer, I hope to realise in coming days,” says Mugo.
Daniel Kinuthia, head of Operation at Chancery Wright confessed that he learnt a lot of valuable life principles particularly; record keeping and working hard in everything he does as though he is doing it for the Lord.
Notable take home for Mr. Kinuthia was the realisation that his spending should be directed towards generating more income.
Mr. Kinuthia highly recommended the Financial Freedom for Families F4 as very relevant for every professional including accountants. “If you do not have a budget and plan, expenditures become advoc; plunging individuals into financial handicap,” he said.
I would recommend that financial institutions, as well as our peers in the insurance brokerage sector consider taking their staff through F4 to better their financial stewardship approaches considering they are key players in matters finance,” he said.