CMS-Africa firmly believes that it is our calling and duty to love and care for the vulnerable and the marginalised and to protect all from abuse. This is central to our mission and the mission of the
whole community.
We recognise that different forms of abuse take place and that it can happen in any social, religious and cultural setting. In response, CMS-Africa takes extremely seriously any allegation, disclosure or
concern of abuse and is committed to providing a safe and flourishing environment.
Data protection
The objectives of this Data protection policy include:
1) Ensuring efficient, effective and ethical use of CMS-Africa's data, information and knowledge.
2) Ensuring that customer and staff personal data is safeguarded from unauthorised use or disclosure in accordance with current Kenyan and applicable international laws including
GDPR and UK Privacy Act of 2018.
3) Protecting the privacy of staff, stakeholders and customers with regards to the personally identifiable information processed by CMS-Africa.
4) Ensuring that data and information required for official use is processed appropriately having regard to the sensitivity and confidentiality of the material.
5) Ensuring that data and information required for official use is retrievable and easily traced within stipulated timelines whenever required, and not retained for longer than is required
by CMS-Africa requirements or applicable local and international laws.
6) Ensuring that data and information is disposed of securely to ensure that copyrights are not breached and to prevent them from unauthorised access.