Disciple Market Place Leaders Conference held in N…
CMS-Africa in partnership with Disciple Market Place Leaders held a two day conference for church leaders in Kenya to equip them on how to engage in the market place for expansion of God's kingdom.
The training delivered by Dr. Phillip Walker and Renita Reed-Thomson of the DML USA and Rev. Dennis Tongoi from CMS-Africa served as an eye opener for tens of pastors who said they are now well prepared to participate in business as part of the ministry.
There are three areas of reconciliation and there needs to be a reconciliation between the church and the market place. The church should be a war ship and not a cruise ship. The churches is not about coming to get settled in but coming get refreshed so that the army of God can then go out:- into the world and the marketplace.
Over 50 pastors and Church leaders from different denomination within Nairobi and beyond were thrilled to know that the church has been called to serve outside and marketplace where majority of their members spent their time each and every day.
I have learned that real discipleship is to be done in the market place and not in Churches. Jesus in the market place is the rallying call of evangelism," says Ann a Microfinance Consultant and church leader who attended the conference.
Pastor Henry says the training has served as a powerful reminder to him that: "The church should not be separated from the market place for effectiveness."
Christianity is likened unto a soccer game 20' 000 spectators in desperate need of exercise watching 22 players in desperate need of rest." A. W. Tozer.
So instead of having few people in the name of Church leaders living out the Christian faith, the goal should to be to transform every believer into an active Christian worker so that the church workers too can rest.
Pastor Michael could agree more with the theme of the conference which seats at the heart of church movement across the globe: “Unleashing the Church; Transforming Communities; Changing the World
“We are called to be the Church from Monday to Sunday and work can be our spiritual act of worship. Discipling Marketplace Leaders is a ministry for churches who desire to see the world transformed for Christ and wish to do so by discipling their members to the purpose of being the Church from Monday-Saturday,” said Rev. Dennis Tongoi who was one of the facilitators.