Testimonial from CMS-Africa Scholarship Alumni
Meet Rev. Captain Joel Soti; currently completing his master’s degree studies. Rev. Soti did his diploma at Carlile College with help from CMS and enrolled at AIU for Degree where he had graduated in 2015.
During his academic years, once of the CMS-Africa scholarships called Mylne gave his the most flexible funds to take care of his academic and family needs to which Rev. Soti is forever grateful. I don’t know how I would have made it through without that annual support from Mylne Trust,” says Rev. Soti who adds that through CMS-Africa, I was afforded a rare opportunity to study as well as take care of my needs as a pastor, student and husband.
Currently serving as the mission’s director at Church Army, Rev. Soti has become a champion of CMS-Africa and has inspired his students to join the CMS-Africa bandwagon of scholarship alumnus.
CMS-Africa is transforming communities through the scholarship fund and I can only urge those of us who have benefited to arise to the occasion and give back to this worthy cause.
Victor Priest Chukuma
Pastor Chukuma from Nigeria is a beneficiary of CMS-Africa scholarships- Mylne Trust during his studies at the Africa International University, Nairobi. “Education is very expensive but God has raised people to stand in through the time. For me, CMS-Africa came in to support me at a very difficult time when I had no money at all, say the Victorious Priest Chukuma.
Victor remembers how the scholarship would just come in almost at the exam time when he wasn’t sure how he would complete his school fees. But according to him, in the fullness of time, the Lord would answer his call through CMS-Africa.
Today he has received his Master’s Degree in Theology and has been appointed as the International Missions Coordinator at the AIU where he has now enrolled for his doctoral studies.
He is happy to engage with Financial Freedom for Families among other CMS-Africa training programmes to help equip the body of Christ for effectiveness in ministry.
Regina Aluer Lueth
Regina and her husband Paul Lueth have both been student at St Paul’s University, Limuru.
Having come to Kenya as refugees from South Sudan, their immediate desire was to serve the Lord. They sought to enroll to Carlile College but were not allowed to study together at Carlile College as husband and wife.
So the husband continued to study at Carlile College as Regina enrolled for Diploma at St Paul’s University.
In 2015, they both enrolled for the degree at St Paul’s University and have run through the course with support from CMS-Africa which gracious provided them with various forms of scholarship funds
Regina with tears of joy in her eyes observed that though her earthily father died her heavenly father is alive and has always made provisions for her school fees as well as her family needs in a foreign land.
Both Regina and Paul have graduated from St Paul’s University with Regina becoming the very first South Sudanese woman to graduate with a degree in theology. The duo who are now blessed with two kid, a boy and a girl consider themselves blessed of God through the work of CMS-Africa.
Irene Mosheni
Irene is the daughter of CMS-Africa Representative and Samaritan Strategy trainer Stephen Mosheni. When she was admitted to Daystar University, Irene didn’t know how her parents would manage to pay considering that they are both not formally employed? But the Lord has been faithful and now she has just completed her Second year studying international Relations.
She is overjoyed for the support she has received through CMS-Africa scholarship programme mainly the Mylne Trust one.
Nehemiah Moronge
Nehemiah received a scholarship as a high school student at Kitui High School and managed to go to the university to study law. He graduated in October with Bachelor of Law and is now practicing. Having been brought up in Kibera, the largest informal settlements in Kenya, Nehemiah beat all the odds to excel in his studies and didn’t disappoint his sponsor who did so through CMS-Africa.
Having completed Law, one of the most demanding courses in Kenya, his passion is to start giving back to the society by helping people with legal issue on pro bono basis.
For a long time, he wanted to know and meet CMS but it’s just last year that he finally met someone who knows CMS-Africa and was glad to be introduced and incorporated as a scholarship alumni.