Renewed Mindsets; Transformed Nations. 

Mylne Trust support to AIU | Projects

Created: September 23, 2022

Mylne Trust support to AIU

CMS-Africa, through Mylne scholarships, has over the last 8 years been offering scholarships to students at Africa International University (AIU). The institution that started in 1983 as Nairobi Evangelistic Graduate School of Theology (NEGST) in 1986, was expanded into an international institution to train Christians in the market place to influence the masses.

The institution has continued to train servants of God serving in many Pentecostal churches across Africa. In Kenya for instance, Christ is the Answer Ministries had over 26 pastor’s graduates from AIU in the year 2015.
AIU has continued to work with its sister institution Pan African Christian University to offer training in theology and other basic skills required in the market place.

When the Mylne Trust Board visited Kenya early March, one of the institutions sampled was AIU. The team of Robin and Roy managed to interact with a cross section of students who have benefited from the scholarships.

The duo also took time to clarify on the application and awarding of scholarships from Mylne Trust. The award is open to all students pursuing theology or related courses who are at least in their second year of study.

Those who desire to apply are to access the application forms from CMS-Africa, fill them and send them to Mylne Trust through CMS-Africa.

Apart from theology, the university now has Counselling Psychology, Education, Business Administration and Management amongst others. The goal is to produce solid Christians, active in the market places, corporations and institutions of today.

The institution has over 1000 students who are registered but almost half have difficulties in paying school fees. “We have students from all over Africa. Most of the students end up dropping out of their courses but a few are able to pay fees and complete the school,” says the dean of students Mrs Grace Omolo.

The institution is pan African in nature and serves students from 32 countries including Korea, India, Germany, and USA. The rest are African Countries led by Kenya, South Sudan, Nigeria, DRC among others.

Parents, Pastors and Teachers are critical for the growth of today's generation.
There are 3 Faculties:

  • School of theology
  • School of business and management
  • School of education

Prayer Points:

  • Accommodation for students as currently the facilities can only house 200 students. The institution is trusting God for a development partner who can help develop the housing for students even if it is for their own interest.
  • Challenges as the University looks to spread its academic reach in order to help finance its support for students and religious content.